10 Science Based Health Benefits of Eating Soybeans on Regular Basis

Editor: Manish Jain

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Rich in Protein: If you are a vegetarian then you should consume soybeans for your protein intake.

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Lowers Cholesterol: Soybeans contain soluble fiber, which maintains your cholesterol level and protects against heart disease.

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Good for Bones: Soybean is a good source of calcium. That is why it is very important for bones.

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Reduces the risk of breast cancer: Soybeans contain isoflavones which reduce the risk of breast cancer. 

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Good for skin: Soybean contains Vitamin E and antioxidants which are very important for your skin. 

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Good for digestion: Soybean contains fiber which improves digestion and prevents constipation.

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Helps in weight management: Soybean is low in fat and high in protein which helps in managing your weight. 

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Lowers blood pressure: Soybeans contain potassium which maintains your blood pressure and prevents high blood pressure.

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Good for the brain: Soybean contains choline which is very beneficial for your brain. It improves memory and prevents cognitive decline.

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Good for Diabetes: Soybean contains complex carbohydrates which maintain your blood sugar level and prevent diabetes.