10 Health Benefits of Cabbage and its Incredible Juice

Editor: Manish Jain

Image credits: Unsplash

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Nutrient Powerhouse: Cabbage is a nutrient powerhouse, bursting with nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, and potassium. 

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Digestive Aid: The high fibre content of cabbage supports regular bowel movements and healthy digestion by preventing constipation. 

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Weight management: Cabbage is a great food option for weight management due to its low calorie and high water content. 

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Heart Health: Consuming cabbage juice may support heart health by preserving healthy cholesterol levels.

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Cancer-Fighting Properties: Breast, lung, and colon cancer risk have all been found to be lower in people who regularly consume cabbage or its juice.

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Skin Rejuvenation: Because it is full of skin-beneficial vitamins and antioxidants, cabbage helps to nourish and renew your skin. 

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Benefits from Anti-Inflammation: You can lessen inflammation and its associated pain by consuming cabbage or its juice.

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Support for Detoxification: Its juice functions as a natural cleanser, aiding the liver in removing toxins and fostering general detoxification.

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Bone Health: Cabbage contains a significant amount of vitamin K, which is crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis. 

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Blood Pressure Control: The potassium in cabbage helps the body balance its sodium levels, maintaining a healthy blood pressure.