10 Health Benefits of Eating Rice on Regular Basis 

Editor: Manish Jain

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Increased Energy: Rice is a great source of complex carbohydrates that releases energy gradually throughout the day. 

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Better Digestive Health: The dietary fibre in rice helps to control bowel movements, which improves digestion. 

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Heart Health: Rice's natural oils and fibre support cardiovascular health by preserving normal cholesterol levels.

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Weight loss: Contrary to popular belief, rice can be a helpful companion on your path to weight loss. 

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Muscle growth and repair: Rice is a great source of protein, which is a necessary nutrient for both muscle growth and repair. 

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Rich in nutrients: Niacin, thiamine, iron, and selenium are just a few of the crucial vitamins and minerals that rice contains. 

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Gluten-free option: Rice is a safe and wholesome substitute for grains that contain gluten for people who are sensitive to it or have celiac disease. 

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Blood Sugar Control: Rice has a lower glycemic index than refined carbohydrates, which means it affects blood sugar levels more gradually. 

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Anti-Inflammatory Qualities: Regular consumption of rice varieties can help the body fight chronic diseases and reduce inflammation.

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Versatility in cooking: Finally, rice's adaptability in the kitchen enables you to experiment with a wide range of flavours and culinary customs.