10 Science-based Benefits of Waking up early daily 

Editor: Manish Jain

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Freedom from the burden of life - By getting up early in the morning, you have enough time to do your work, and you do not have much pressure. 

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Good for health - Waking up early gives your body more air and sunlight. This keeps your health good and also gives you freshness.

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Good for being disciplined in life - Waking up early inculcates discipline and helps you to be disciplined in your life. 

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Good Sleep - Since you wake up early in the morning, it is also good for you to sleep early at night.

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Get enough time to work - By getting up early you have plenty of time to get work done. 

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Good for Mind and Body - Waking up early is good for both your mind and body. 

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Increases Productivity - With this, you can finish your work quickly and can also take out extra time for yourself.

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Gradual Lifestyle Changes - This creates a routine in your life and you also get to see a lot of positive changes.

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Can control your daily life - You can finish your work early and also take out extra time for yourself.

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Your own happiness - This makes you feel better and you can manage your life better.