10 Science based Health Benefits of Tomato Chickpea Garlic Salad

Editor: Manish Jain

Image credits: Unsplash

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Improves heart health: The tomato, chickpea, and garlic salad is low in cholesterol and saturated fat, making it a heart-healthy option. 

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Supports weight management: You feel satisfied for longer thanks to the fibre, protein, and low calorie content of chickpeas.

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Improves digestion: ]Salad helps to promote a healthy digestive system and can relieve constipation thanks to the high fibre content of chickpeas.

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Immune system booster: Garlic and chickpeas both contain antioxidants that support your body's defences.

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Supports eye health: You can maintain the health and vitality of your eyes by including this salad in your diet.

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Supports bone health: Chickpeas are a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, three minerals that are important for strong, healthy bones. 

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Promotes healthy skin: Antioxidants in tomatoes work to combat free radicals, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and promoting healthy, youthful skin. 

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Regulates blood sugar levels: Blood sugar levels are regulated by chickpeas' low glycemic index and high fibre content, which also helps to increase insulin sensitivity. 

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Increases energy levels: Chickpeas' blend of complex carbohydrates, protein, and B vitamins produces a steady release of energy that keeps you feeling energised all day. 

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Reduces inflammation: By incorporating this salad into your diet, you can lessen inflammation and advance general health.