Top 10 strangest and weird trees and plants in the world 

Editor: Manish Jain

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Dragon Tree: This tree is mainly found in Canary Islands. Their age will be between 650 to 1000 years.

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Great Sequoia Tree is the largest tree on earth. It is about 275 feet tall. This tree is about 2300-2700 years old.

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Silk Cotton Tree: The countless roots of this tree take hold of all the things around it.

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Baobab Tree: These trees are about 1000 years old. They can be about 16 feet to 98 feet tall.

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Wisteria: This tree named Wisteria is mainly found in Japan. These flowers take five to 15 years to fully bloom.

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Bottle Tree found in Australia is known as ‘bottle tree’ because its shape is exactly like a bottle. 

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Dragon Blood Tree found on Yemen’s Socotra Island which is also known as ‘Alien Island’. 

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Sandbox Trees: Sandbox trees are found in the Amazon rainforest and in North and South America.

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Jabuticaba Tree: The ‘Jabuticaba’ tree of South America is a mysterious tree. 

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Banyan Tree: The banyan tree is mainly found in India. Its roots hang down.