WhatsApp proxy servers: step-by-step guide to start them in Android, iOS

By- Manish Jain

Credits: WhatsApp

Credits: WhatsApp

WhatsApp has brought a big update for the users. WhatsApp has launched Proxy Support for their users.

Credits: WhatsApp

With the help of proxy support, there will be no need for internet to send messages to WhatsApp users. 

Credits: WhatsApp

Even the internet has been shut down in their area, users will still be able to send WhatsApp messages. 

Credits: WhatsApp

WhatsApp said regarding the security concern, that even after being connected to the proxy network, users do not need to worry about privacy and security. 

Credits: WhatsApp

Steps to use WhatsApp Proxy server in Android and iOS 

Credits: WhatsApp

After updating the app, a new option will appear in the Settings menu. 

Credits: WhatsApp

To connect to proxy, go to your WhatsApp settings and open the “Storage and Data” and then click on “Proxy”. 

Credits: WhatsApp

Then, you have to tap on “Use Proxy” and enter the proxy address. 

Credits: WhatsApp

After putting proxy address, you have to tap on “Save” to connect. After that check mark will appear if the connection is established.